Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hillgrass Bluebilly - France

We are very proud to announce we made the journey across the seas, stepped down off our ship and stuck a big ass ol Hillgrass Bluebilly flag in the heart of France!

Nicolas Miliani is the official owner of our Hillgrass Bluebilly Records - France Chapter. If it is easier for you to grab your Hillgrass Bluebilly CD's & HB merchandise from France, then we will make it available for you to grab it from our France Chapter/Outlet.

As we grow, we hope to have more official outlets made available to you, wherever you may live. We will not be hosting any Hillgrass Bluebilly events in France at this time, but you can get all of our gear, and support our roster when they do make the journey.

Please take time to visit Nicolas at the link below,  make friends and lets build the Dirty Foot Family Army in France.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Album Review: "Feed the Family" Possessed by Paul James

Abum Review: "Feed the Family" by Possessed by Paul James
Album: "Feed the Family" 2010 Hillgrass Bluebilly Records
Click link below to view the original blog & leave a comment
Blog: Skvot-Pop

Possessed By Paul James is one Mr. Konrad Wert, currently living in Texas but hailing from home state of Florida. His past two albums, Possessed By Paul James and Cold and Blind, coupled with his live shows have garnered him a cult . That said, the albums have also fallen into the “love ‘em or hate ‘em” category.Konrad is best understood if you’ve seen him live, that’s an undeniable fact, but it’s become less of a requirement with each album, and now with Feed The Family I think he’s managed to make an album accessible enough that the live show isn’t a requirement for those with a slightly more confined musical palate. Feed the Family captures everything that makes Possessed By Paul James great without spending too much time in that challenging area that requires knowing him live to be able to truly “get it”.

So, what does that get you? For long time fans, the stomps, vocal quakes and yelps are still present. For the potential newly indoctrinated (slash Konard live virgins), said stomps, vocal quakes and yelps are mixed more into the background, with Konrad’s picking and passion out front for display. The results are a surprisingly restrained sound that manages to capture the immediate and passionate nature of Konrad’s music. I think with all that said, it’s clear that this is seriously some Essential Listening. If you’ve heard PBPJ before and didn’t like it, listen again ‘cause this is easily the best album he’s recorded to date.